Hello, I'm Yellowwei. I'm a front-end developer at NanTong University.
About me
在2023年的1月份,在一位校友的影响下,我开始了微信小程序的开发,由于刚接触基础不牢,所以先从最基本的HTML, CSS, JavaScript开始学起,随后用原生开发了一个纯HTML和CSS的静态网页,成功的那一刻,便埋下了我对于前端开发的兴趣,随后我慢慢接触了DOM和BOM等Web API,学会了利用JavaScript操纵网页元素,当时便一发不可自拔,觉得开发网页特效very interesting,慢慢地也就接触到了Jquery库,简化了DOM的操作,学会了利用XMLHttpRequest以及Jueqry和第三方库Axios发送Ajax请求,紧接着便接触到了前端开发框架Vue2和Vue3,学会了数据驱动视图的思想,省去了一系列的DOM操作。接着学习到了原生微信小程序开发,由于缺乏后端开发,我自学了Java开发语言,从最基础的JavaSE,JavaEE,JSP,Servlet,Spring,SpringMVC,SpringBoot,MyBatis,Mybatis-Plus等后端开发技术,并在一位Ui设计师朋友的帮助下,成功地为我所读的大学(南通大学)开发出了一个恋爱交友的微信小程序——怦动校园,如今访问量达到 400+。幸运的是,在2023年的暑假期间(6~9月),成功在 智子光年科技有限公司拿到实习资格,在技术大牛的带领下,学会了代码的规范书写,变量的规范命名,学会了运用 Git版本控制工具,Github Copilot代码辅助工具等,还学会了对前端页面性能进行优化的思想,并加深了对微信小程序开发的理解(云开发)。随后更是确定了自己前端开发的方向,开始学习前端的另一个应用框架React以及Next.js的SSR渲染,并且搭配CSS框架TailwindCSS,TypeScript,Shadcn/ui组件库,可以轻松便捷地开发出一个适配各种机型的响应式网站,并成功开发出过六个Next.js的项目案例,期间也了解到了开发个人博客的框架Hexo以及Vercel无服务器便可以部署项目的网站,并通过Hexo的Butterfly主题搭建了一个属于自己的个人博客https://blog.yellowwei.cn,目前一直在迭代优化。随后更是接触到了React的动画库Framer Motion,简化了原生Web端通过animate来操作DOM的复杂性,并提升了动画的性能......
My projects
This is a tennis WeChat miniprogram developed for tennis enthusiasts.It includes an intelligent recommendation algorithm based on level and distance range.
- 微信小程序原生开发
- ColorUI组件库
- 小程序云开发
- CMS后台管理
- Vant组件库
This is a WeChat miniprogram designed to help NTU students make friends and fall in love.
- 微信小程序原生开发
- Vant组件库
- Mysql
- SpringBoot
- Mybatis-Plus
- SpringMVC
This is my personal blog built using the Butterfly theme in the Hexo framework. It is used to record some difficulties and unsolvable problems I encountered in my studies
- Hexo
- MarkDown
- Butterfly
My skills
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Next.js
- TailwindCSS
- Framer Motion
- Flutter
- Dart
- Vue.js
- Node.js
- Git
- Java
- Spring
- SpringMVC
- Mybatis-Plus
- SpringBoot
My experience
With the help of a UI designer friend, I successfully developed a WeChat Miniprogram for making friends for my university (Nantong University). Now, the number of visits has reached 400 +.
2023.05 - 2023.06前端开发实习生
Under the guidance of tech experts, I learned how to write code in a standardized way, name variables in a standardized way, use git version control tools, Copilot code assistance tools, etc.
2023.06 - 2023.092025届应届毕业生
I am currently a third-year student in school, mainly studying technology stacks such as React,Next.js,TailwindCSS,TypeScript,Framer Motion.
2023.09 - presentContact me
Please contact me directly at 1119765689hw@gmail.com or through this form.